02 October 2014

Smackage is a package management tool for Standard ML libraries and source code. It is useful, in particular, for maintaining a stable collection of Standard ML libraries on your machine, based on the versioned dependency specifications, provided by library and application providers.

As an author of many differerent libraries and programs written in SML, I have often found myself copying utilities - and even entire libraries - into new repositories. Such copying is often attractive as it relieves a user of a library from considering what will happen when the library is updated by its maintainer. It is also unattractive, on the other hand, as the user does not easily benefit from upstream library improvements and often starts maintaining the library in parallel to the maintainance and development of the original library.

Based on semantic versioning, Smackage is now here to help library maintainers and package builders.

To get started with Smackage, you first and foremost need a version of the smackage executable on your computer (we will assume here that MLton is installed). You then need to configure your favorite SML compiler to know about where packages managed by Smackage reside, and finally, you need to familiarize yourself with the most simple Smackage commands, such as smackage refresh, smackage update, and smackage get.

Install Smackage

Execute the following commands in a shell:

$ cd
$ git clone git://github.com/standardml/smackage
$ cd smackage
$ make mlton
$ bin/smackage refresh

Smackage stores configuration information, libraries, and versioning information in your local working directory $(HOME)/.smackage, which was created when smackage was run for the first time. Applications and tools built with Smackage are installed in the $(HOME)/.smackage/bin directory, which you propably want to add to your PATH environment variable (e.g., alter your $(HOME)/.bash_profile file).

Now, in a fresh shell, execute the following commands:

$ cd smackage
$ bin/smackage get smackage
$ bin/smackage make smackage mlton
$ bin/smackage make smackage install

The get command will fetch the smackage package (and possible depending packages) from the Smackage github repository. The make commands will build and install the smackage executable according to the Smackage Makefile targets mlton and install.

Smackage is now properly installed in $(HOME)/.smackage/bin and you can delete your $(HOME)/smackage directory:

$ rm -rf $(HOME)/smackage

Make your SML compiler “Smackage aware”

MLton and MLKit use MLB-files for specifying library dependencies and for managing and controling the compilation process. For an MLB-file to reference a Smackage-installed library, the convention is that an MLB-file can reference the special $(SMACKAGE) variable in path names. For this to work, add a line to the appropriate mlb-path-map file:

SMACKAGE [HOME]/.smackage/lib

Here you need to replace [HOME] with your particular path to your home directory, as found in $(HOME). Different compilers read the mlb-path-map file from different locations. For instance, MLKit will try to see if there is a file $(HOME)/.mlkit/mlb-path-file. If not, it will try to find one in /usr/local/etc/mlkit. MLton will try similar attempts.

Mastering Smackage commands

Now that smackage is installed, you can execute various basic smackage commands:

Command Action
smackage refresh update the local database
smackage get package download package and the packages it depends on
smackage update download new versions of fetched packages
smackage info package display information about package

To learn more about available Smackage commands, just run smackage without arguments.

Adding your own library

If you want to use Smackage for managing dependencies between your own git repositories, you can do so by adding an entry to the file $(HOME)/.smackage/sources.local or by using the smackage source command, which effectively adds an entry to the file. Smackage assumes that you have tagged your library with semantic version numbers. This tagging is possible, by executing the following two git commands from within a checked out version of your library:

$ git tag v1.0.1
$ git push --tags

If your package is hosted at Github, you may tag the current version of your package using the Web GUI - simply click the “releases” link on the main page of your repository and follow the online guide.

Adding a .smackspec-file to your library

You may want to add a description of your package in form of a .smackspec-file. The description is necessary if your package depends on other packages. Here is an example .smackspec file:

description: An APL parser in Standard ML
maintainer: Martin Elsman <mael@di.ku.dk>
keywords: APL, parsing
license: MIT License
requires: unicode v1 (v1.0.2)

The value associated with the requires key specifies that v1 of the library is needed, with v1.0.2 being the minimum version number that the package can work with.

For more advanced uses of Smackage, including getting it to work with SML/NJ and information about platform specific targets, consult the Smackage web site.

The construction of Smackage was inspired by tools available for other programming languages, including Hackage and Cabal for Haskell. Other related package managers, include 0install and Homebrew.

Conclusions and future work

Whereas Smackage is a great tool for managing source code packages and their dependencies, Smackage is currently not a build tool - it does not manage the build-process of a package. As a consequence, there is no way of specifying that a package have binary dependencies, in the sense that a specific package needs to be built and installed before another package can be built.

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